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april, 2024

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Want to Help? Sponsor or Donate!

There are many ways to support LifeLine, whether you are an individual, a family, a church, organization, or business.

Help us provide services to families affected by special needs with a FINANCIAL DONATION.


LifeLine, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit parachurch ministry organization that strives to provide support, education, and resources to families affected by disability. Its primary service area is Southeast Tennessee and Northwest Georgia, but LifeLine, Inc. has served families in more than 25 states. All of LifeLine, Inc.’s Board and staff are affected by disability through direct experience or as family members.

Meet Our Team

LifeLine Families owes much of its leadership, support, and confidence to its Board of Directors. Encompassing the mission and vision of LifeLine Families, our Board is a diverse group of professionals that are all committed to advancing our work, maximizing our impact, and incorporating many points of view.

Group 1365
Group 1362